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Learn create a Web Application With Symfony 6 and Bootstrap 5
Install Environment PHP 8 & MySQL (7:06)
Structure of Symfony 6 (4:52)
Know how Symnfony 6 Work (4:11)
Group telegram
Earn money
Controllers & Routing
Controller and Methods (4:24)
Symfony 6 CLI (5:53)
Dynamic Params (5:51)
Validate Params in Routing (7:01)
Optional Param in Route (2:42)
Priority in Routing (5:43)
Moteur the Templating TWIG
Install and Generate first Template (6:36)
How to Inject the data from Controller to Template (9:02)
Layout or Master Page (9:39)
Loops in Template (5:04)
Filters with Twig (8:00)
Hyper links with Twig (6:10)
Include the Template in other (6:38)
Entity Database and Migration
Connect with the Database (7:25)
Generate the Entity (4:57)
Generate the Database with Migrate (6:05)
Command for Migration (3:54)
Doctrine Fixctures (8:05)
Manipulate the database with Doctrine (10:46)
Create Operation (4:29)
Update Operation (4:44)
Delete Operation (2:30)
Param Converter (4:23)
Symfony Profilter (3:31)
Form Management
Install and Manage the Forms (7:38)
Submit a Form (4:54)
Flash Messages (4:07)
Redirect after Operation (3:31)
Resolve some Problems (2:49)
Custom Form Display (10:15)
Handle the Errors Messages (4:09)
Display the Data in the Form (7:26)
Integer the Bootstrap Framework (4:43)
Reusable Form (5:25)
Bootswatch Theme (7:34)
Install Symfony Validation (6:25)
Custom the Validation Messages (4:57)
Type of input in the Form
Tips for Validation (9:08)
Relationships in Doctrine
Overview Relationship (1:30)
Implement One To One Relation (8:44)
Example with OneToOne Persist and Remove (9:31)
Implement One To Many (4:40)
Implement Many To One (4:31)
Implement Many To Many (5:10)
Security.yaml (6:01)
User Password Hasher (7:33)
Form to authenticate (14:01)
Logout mechanism (3:28)
Target path and Handling error (8:28)
Link profile to user and add categories, tags (11:53)
EntityType for Form (7:08)
Current User (11:07)
Refactoring navbar (9:43)
IsGranted with Annotation and inside a method (6:20)
Access Control (4:43)
Role Hierarchy (8:31)
is_granted in a Twig (3:03)
Logout (2:34)
Upload image (4:24)
Add new field in entity (3:18)
Logic code to upload a file (12:15)
Parameter in Twig (7:49)
Symfony Profilter
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