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Secure Rest API with Django 4 MySQL
Overview (3:32)
What's Rest API (2:54)
Create a new Environment and Extensions (7:41)
Generate a Project and Application (3:17)
Connect the Project with MySQL (4:23)
Learn & Earn money (6:10)
Create a First API with Django
Create a Model and Migrations (4:54)
Manage a Models in the Administration (4:38)
Return a JSON with Django Natively (7:05)
Why you Should Use Django Rest Framework (5:51)
Django Rest Framework also Serializer
Serialization & Deserialization (3:52)
Reorganize the Project According to Django Rest Framework (13:58)
Persist the Data with the Serializer (6:21)
Update the Data with the Serializer (7:44)
Delete a Row with the Serializer (3:40)
Custom Status in HTTP Response (6:57)
Exceptions with Django Rest Api (5:10)
Rest Api with Class Based View (10:51)
Partial Update using Patch Method (4:44)
Validation Techniques
Field Level Validation (4:39)
Object Level Validation (3:08)
Bad Request & Validators (5:48)
Advance Level of Serializer
Inheritance the Fields from Model to Serializer with Model Serializer (5:45)
Custom Field & Calculable Field (7:03)
Relations Between the Serializers (4:33)
Reorganize the Serializers (7:31)
Nested Relation in Seializer (4:23)
Inversed Relation (2:17)
String, Primary and Hyperlink Related Field (7:22)
Generic API with Mixins (8:22)
Authentication & Permission
Temporary api login (4:44)
Setting the permission policy (4:04)
Permission Classes (5:46)
Permissions for Function Based View (3:20)
Custom a permission with Has_permission (7:48)
User owner (4:35)
Has Object Permission (10:01)
Json Web Token | JWT
Install and Config JWT (3:15)
Generate and Using JWT ACCESS (8:49)
Generate a JWT REFRESH
JWT Settings Variables (4:43)
Customizing Token Claims (4:44)
Setting the Throttling Policy (5:42)
Throttling Policy on a per-view (4:47)
Scoped RateThrottle (6:38)
Setting the Pagination (4:23)
Limit Offset Pagination (7:37)
Page Number Pagination (8:10)
Cursor Pagination (5:48)
Source code
end of Django Rest Framework course
What's Next? (3:09)
Using ReactJS
Learn React
Reorganize the Project According to Django Rest Framework
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