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HTML5 SEO friendly from novice to master
history of html (13:02)
telegram group
html5 vs html (8:46)
tools (16:49)
all files of the course
syntax (15:13)
structure (16:14)
the head elements
the Title element (12:47)
attributes (8:09)
the metadata part 1 (29:08)
the metadata part 2 (9:57)
how paths work (13:49)
the link element p1 (11:28)
the link element p2 preload and prefetch (8:37)
the base element (5:25)
script tag (8:56)
noscript tag (5:18)
best practice
comment (5:01)
Emmet (24:55)
text formatting semantically
HTML Headings h1-h6 tags (28:18)
paragraphs and The Line Break element (10:55)
strong & Emphasis elements (9:39)
< s > < u > and < small > elements (11:03)
< del > < ins > & < mark > (9:52)
quotes, blockquotes & figure (14:33)
block vs inline elements (11:01)
code formatting (17:38)
HTML entities (13:40)
< sub > < sup > & < abbr > elements (11:37)
img element (11:31)
srcset attribute (14:57)
what is pixel density aspect ratio and dimensions (16:52)
picture element (21:29)
SVG (17:47)
media in html5
video element basic (15:10)
video element with multiple source (14:38)
video subtitles in html5 (12:16)
audio tag (15:43)
canvas (18:25)
iframe (16:38)
Unordered List (14:12)
Ordered List (10:59)
Description List (6:33)
Nested Lists (9:39)
links and navigation in html
html anchor tag (21:24)
section navigation in html (9:22)
Complete website navigation example (32:54)
Global attribute
class vs id (12:06)
language global attributes (13:10)
title attribute (6:04)
accesskey attribute (7:06)
contenteditable attributer (4:55)
data attribute and js dataset (15:01)
draggable (18:14)
hidden attribute (4:43)
tabindex (3:43)
HTML Semantic Elements
div and span (9:12)
header and nav (10:54)
section element (11:17)
main and article (13:08)
details and summary element (8:09)
aside element (6:59)
footer address & time (13:19)
form label and text input (15:14)
email input and pattern attribute (7:03)
password and number inputs (16:16)
date and tel inputs (7:14)
time month and week (7:49)
search and url input (6:12)
checkbox and radio buttons (10:18)
file input (7:00)
color and range inputs (12:21)
contact form example (16:40)
basic of html tables (10:03)
semantic in html tables (8:14)
table example (12:16)
the end
what next (1:06)
email input and pattern attribute
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