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Learn Web Development With Django Framework Darija
Group Telegram
Learn & Earn (6:10)
Introduction (2:14)
Create a Virtual Environment VENV (3:44)
Install Django Framework (3:58)
Manage the dependencies (4:02)
Create a project (2:00)
Project structure (5:53)
Launch Django server (3:56)
Install & Urls
Fist url (3:31)
Dynamic segment Url (3:32)
Validate dynamic segment (3:28)
Frequent problem (4:35)
Project and apps (3:21)
Create new app (5:40)
Urls app (10:39)
Templates With Jinja2 & Views
Template of project (6:05)
Template apps (5:04)
Include template (5:51)
Template inheritance (6:45)
Rrender data to template (7:38)
For loop in template (5:25)
if else statement (3:10)
if elif else jinja engine (3:47)
Filters template (8:15)
Static Files
Static files inside app (5:22)
Static files inside a project (3:53)
Apply the bootstrap (9:54)
Migration & Model
Connect with database sqllite (4:52)
Create a model (5:16)
Generate and update the migrations (6:52)
Migrate rollback to migration or zero (5:46)
Model & Queries with Shell
Get All Objects from DB (2:16)
Insert Data from model to DB (8:43)
Get One Object (8:15)
Updating Object (3:53)
Deleting One or Many Objects (3:47)
Filter Objetcs (6:03)
Q Operator for Apply OR Condiction (4:48)
Add Method or Property to Model (5:44)
Override Save Method "Slugify" (6:42)
Handling the Primary Key "UUID" (5:21)
Relationships between Models
Create a Super User (3:46)
New Category Model (4:14)
Many To One Relation (8:44)
Handling Many To One (5:23)
Many To Many Rlation (4:33)
Handling Many To Many (4:45)
All, Remove and Clear (3:43)
Inverse Relation (5:16)
Introduction to One To One (5:05)
One To One Relation (7:35)
Change Relation from User To Profile (3:06)
Back Office (Administration)
Costum Administration Path (1:57)
Add Model to Administration (5:09)
Add Model to Admin Space with Class (3:38)
Indicate the Fields to Display (8:27)
Sort Order Rows + or - (2:44)
Editable Fields & List Links (4:57)
Search & Filter Fields (3:22)
Filter Horizontal (3:28)
Autocomplete Fields (3:55)
Pagination Per Page (2:46)
Costum Column (2:56)
Editable Fields (3:19)
Read Only Fields (1:34)
Prepopulated Fields (5:35)
Manage a Forms
Create a Form (5:25)
Display a Form (8:10)
Change the Widgets (3:31)
Retreive & Validate a Form (8:29)
Widget & Attrs (5:06)
Restyling a Form (7:35)
Binding Model to a Form (10:24)
Loop all widgets (5:39)
Create Read Update Delete (CRUD)
Read All Objects (6:26)
Read One Object (4:32)
Create One Object (5:24)
Update One Object (5:53)
Delete One Object (6:29)
Dynamic Links & Redirect (9:50)
Http404 & get_object_or_404 (3:14)
Handle a Signals
Create a Signal (9:38)
Update with a Signal (4:00)
Pre or Post Delete (7:28)
Receiver with a Signal (3:04)
Export the Signals (4:29)
Source Code
Authentication & Authorization
Override Login template (4:34)
Display Login Form (3:52)
Crispy bootstrap & Crispy Forms (4:41)
Login & Logout Redirect (3:09)
Sign Up Form (7:18)
Login After Sign Up (3:57)
Check User is Authenticated (2:54)
Login Required (3:44)
Current User (5:05)
Groups & Permissions (5:19)
Permission in Template (5:59)
Has Perm & Has Perms (4:30)
Search & Pagination
Search Template side (2:41)
Search View side (6:37)
Search with Relationships (5:18)
Pagination Level 1 (5:22)
Pagination Level 2 (3:47)
Pagination Level 3 (5:45)
Flash Messages (8:00)
Source Code
Class-based views
CBV AS_VIEW() (6:20)
CBV ListView (10:40)
CBV DetailView (6:50)
CBV DeleteView (4:18)
Separate GET and POST in View (6:29)
CBV CreateView (3:52)
Deployment (84:11)
Source Code
Bonus (2:30)
Q Operator for Apply OR Condiction
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