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NgRx en Angular 18 avec NgRx Data, Store, et Plus – Formation Avancée en Darija Marocaine
2 - Initial Project Code
3 - Earn Money with us (6:10)
Group Telegram
Application 1 - Basic of NgRx
4 - Understanding NGRX (4:22)
5 - Architecture respected to build a huge project (4:02)
6 - Create a State and Model (1:53)
7 - Create a Actions and Types (2:52)
8 - Create a Reducer (3:55)
9 - Create a Selector (3:22)
10 - Link a Store with a Angular Project (2:38)
11 - Use Selector in a Component (4:25)
12 - Use Dispatch in a Component (2:24)
Application 2 - NgRx Store
13 - Create Contact Module with a States (4:29)
14 - Actions of Contact Module (3:51)
15 - Reducer of Contacts (8:47)
16 - Generate a Component of Contact (3:48)
17 - Contact Form Component (4:37)
18 - List and Grid Components (3:53)
19 - Actions Button Component (Toggle, edit, delete) (5:06)
20 - Connect to a Store at list (5:14)
21 - Display a Form (2:20)
22 - Create a State or Just a Variable (4:39)
23 - Add and Cancel Buttons (3:53)
24 - Persist a data into a Store (4:19)
25 - Delete a contact from a Store (3:22)
26 - Toggle a contact from a Store (1:34)
27 - Edit a Contact from a Store (8:23)
28 - Update a Contact (8:41)
NgRx DevTools
29 - Install Ngrx Devtools (6:25)
30 - Create a Shared Module (Toast) (5:43)
31 - Create a States, Model, Actions and Reducer for a Toast (4:57)
32 - Create all Contact Selectors (2:10)
33 - Generate a Toast Component (3:17)
34 - Make the Toast component dynamic (3:40)
35 - Frequent problem (3:41)
36 - Apply toast to editing, toggle and also adding (2:10)
NgRx Effects
37 - understand the concept of effect (2:55)
38 - Create all Effects (5:30)
39 - know how to retrieve data passed via props (4:38)
40 - Optimize the code in Contact component (5:20)
41 - Create Contact Service (3:13)
42 - Execute a contact service save method in effect (4:06)
43 - Apply all service methods to effect (3:14)
44 - Understand the relationship between effect and service (3:10)
45 - Process the return if successful from the service (7:00)
46 - Process the return if rejected from the service (4:36)
47 - Use Action Failure in Effect (5:49)
48 - Update Success and Failure (4:18)
49 - Apply Success and Failure to a effect (3:06)
50 - Load and Display List of Contacts (4:00)
51 - Code Source
Ngrx Router
52 - Model, State, Actions of Auth (4:05)
53 - Reducer, Selectors AppStore, of Auth (4:26)
54 - Create Auth Effect (7:01)
55 - Refactoring Login (4:33)
56 - Installation and Config Ngrx Router Store (2:48)
57 - Router Effect and Go Action (5:48)
58 - login Success Redirect Effect (4:01)
59 - Router Selectors (4:33)
60 - Code Source
Ngrx Signal
61 - Refactoring List and Form of Category (5:26)
62 - Add A Modal from DaisyUI (4:54)
63 - Install NgRx Signal Store (7:13)
64 - Create a First Method Add in the Store (4:52)
65 - Category Form Validation (2:05)
66 - Create A Load Method in the Store (6:19)
67 - Execute a Method From a Store (3:15)
68 - Persist From a Store Signal (6:58)
69 - Edit a Category State (4:59)
70 - Update a Category from a Store (5:47)
71 - Delete a Category from a Store (3:57)
72 - NgRx Toolkit for Signals Store (3:49)
73 - Handle Error in Signals Store (4:59)
74 - Handle a Specific Error (1:22)
75 - Lifecycle withHooks for Signal Store (2:34)
76 - Code Source
Angular with
77 - Overview (3:12)
78 - Tools and Api (8:00)
79 - Install Client (5:45)
80 - Persist category Using Socket (1:42)
81 - Update & Delete category using Socket (8:04)
82 - Article Store with Socket (Client & Server) (7:30)
Upload File
83 - Input File | FormData (5:03)
84 - Image Preview with ReadFile (5:00)
85 - Remove a Image Preview (1:44)
86 - Submit a Form Data (6:58)
87 - Edit Form Data with a Preview (4:33)
88 - Environment (5:03)
89 - Problem Solving (3:40)
90 - Refactoring Auth Service (8:02)
91 - Refactoring Logout (2:36)
92 - Build a Project (6:58)
93 - Code Source
Conclusion (2:11)
9 - Create a Selector
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