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Learn Python 3 and Scraping With Beautiful Soup​ From Scratch Darija
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Learn and Earn (6:10)
Basics of Python
Python Installation (3:49)
Code Editor (2:21)
First Program (4:35)
Extensions (3:54)
Execute Program (1:38)
Variables (5:07)
Strings (9:47)
Escape Characters (6:05)
String format (5:48)
Methods Strings (7:58)
Numbers (3:06)
Numbers Methods (4:52)
Interact with a Program with Input Function (8:03)
Conditional structures
Comparaison Operators (6:29)
If else and elif Statement (8:27)
Ternary Operator (4:12)
and & or Operators (10:09)
Loops (For & While & Comprehension)
Loop for in a range (5:40)
Break & Continue operator (4:29)
Else Statement for a Loop (3:44)
Nested Loop (4:08)
While Loop (4:49)
Infinite Loop (6:07)
List Comprehension (7:03)
Any & All (9:11)
Data Structure
What's the List in Python (2:23)
Add and Delete Item from a List (4:48)
Accessing Items (6:40)
Slicing List (11:34)
Handling List (6:47)
Pop item from a List (3:05)
Join Item from a List (5:49)
Split String to List (6:09)
Search item from a List (4:56)
ignore a case sensitivity (4:44)
Nested List (7:30)
Sorting a List (8:27)
Tuple (6:51)
Cast Tuple to List (2:56)
Lambda Function (3:28)
Map Function (4:14)
Filter List (3:55)
Zip List (6:01)
Swaping (3:09)
Set Structure (8:27)
Dictionary Structure (12:59)
Handling Dictionary (4:41)
Create a Function (3:27)
Arguments for Function (7:38)
Keywords Parameters (5:34)
Types for arguments and Return (4:08)
Default Value for Parameters (5:41)
Xargs for a Function (7:47)
Kwargs for a Function (6:35)
Scope Local and Global (5:38)
Files & Folders and Path (Pathlib)
Point to a File (4:38)
Read Data from a File (3:53)
Write Data to a File (3:28)
Handling Path with Pathlib (6:56)
Concat the path with Pathlib (4:37)
Retrieve path information (6:35)
Create & delete File and Folder (11:55)
Read and Write File with Pathlib (5:20)
Scan a files from a Hard Disk (5:36)
Understand the Exceptions (4:14)
Handling the Exceptions (4:07)
Multi-Exceptions (3:43)
Best Practice on Exceptions with Else (2:03)
Use finally block for Catching Exceptions (3:31)
Type Annotations
Syntaxe for Type Annotation (3:31)
Configure type annotations on Visual Studio Code (5:25)
Using mypy to Verify our Code (3:41)
Modules & Packages
Create a Module (9:40)
personalize Path of a Module (7:37)
Dynamic Path of a Module (2:35)
Create a Package (5:18)
Nested Packages (2:52)
Absolute and Relative Path (3:00)
Retreive all Info About a Module (3:56)
Variable __name__ for a Module (6:51)
Add the Path of a Module in Environment Variable (4:58)
Virtual Environments
What's Virtual Environment (2:12)
Create a Virtual Environment VENV (4:03)
Activate and Deactivate an Environment (3:07)
Managing an Environments (4:44)
Using Virtual env with VSCODE (2:09)
Object-oriented programming
Create a Class and Object (5:08)
Init a class with Constructor __init__ (4:26)
Shared Attributes (4:51)
Magic Methods __str__ (3:31)
Magic Methods Comparing Objects (5:27)
Magic Methods Arithmetic Operators (3:03)
Private Attributes (3:49)
Handling properties (4:06)
Annotation property (2:59)
Class Methods (4:03)
Static Methods (3:05)
Inheritance Class (11:38)
Polymorphism (2:11)
Beautiful Soup (83:45)
Extra (2:27)
Point to a File
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