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Angular 18 framework Fondamentals
Overview (3:13)
6 Applications (4:20)
Telegram Group
Earn Money with us (6:10)
3 - Install the extensions (4:02)
4 - Prompt Command (6:28)
5 - Angular file and folder tree (5:58)
6 - Know how angular works (5:36)
7 - Use best practices to structure your project (2:52)
8 - Create a First Component (6:30)
9 - Install tailwindcss and DaisyUI in angular (5:05)
Application 1 - Fundamentals
10- First interface UI - Component (HTML) (12:50)
11 - Attributs and Methods - Interpellation - Component (TS) (4:29)
12 - Change Design DaisyUI (5:13)
13 - Property Binding (3:43)
14 - Event Binding (6:07)
15 - Directives @if @else (3:20)
16 - Directive @for (4:46)
17 - Options of @for Directive $index; $count; $first; $last; $odd; $even (5:04)
18 - @empty Directive (5:47)
19 - Create a todo - (CRUD) (7:57)
20 - Edit a Todo - (CRUD) (5:17)
21 - Update a Todo - (CRUD) (4:45)
22 - Delete a Todo - (CRUD) (2:46)
23 - Best pratice using CRUD (8:20)
24 - Using a Confirm with Sweet Alert 2 (6:31)
25 - Setup up the acions with a Toast (6:32)
26 - Set Dynamic Notification - Toast (11:48)
27 - ngCass with an Object (4:14)
28 - ngClass Best Practice (5:41)
29 - Double Click Event - dblclick (6:19)
30 - Simple validation of a text field (3:43)
31 - Create a Model (Typecast) (5:43)
32 - Exercise and correction (2:52)
33 - Summary of this chapter (6:05)
Questions and Answers
Application 2 - Input and Output
34 - Overview Project (6:03)
35 - Reorder your components (4:18)
36 - Parent to Child with Input (8:49)
37 - Alias for Input decorator (2:49)
38 - displays the data in the List component - Input (9:48)
39 - Use SVG Icons (Heroicons) (5:19)
40 - Create icons as a component (5:21)
41 - Custom Size the Icon Component (4:00)
42 - Add Tooltips to a Buttons (3:36)
43 - Custom Displaying data (Grid, List) (3:26)
44 - Display data as a Grid (cards) (8:19)
45 - Delete a Local course Child (3:46)
46 - Create an Event delete - Output (5:15)
47 - Make a Noise using Emet from EventEmitter (4:25)
48 - Externalize the Card component (4:34)
49 - Create a Simple Form Course with Tailwind (6:08)
50 - Persist a course - Output (5:43)
51 - Display a Form course (7:31)
52 - Edit a courses - Input and Output (5:23)
53 - Update a course - Output (6:54)
54 - Initialize the form after save or update (4:40)
55 - Create the Pagination (4:06)
56 - Enhance the pagination (4:17)
57 - Paginate method (3:05)
58 - Centralize data for pagination (6:03)
59 - Customize the number of items to display (3:54)
60 - Optimize the paging code (5:12)
61 Code Source
62 Questions and Answers
Pipes and a Filters
63 - Titlecase, Upprcase, Lowercase (3:50)
64 - Currency for money (5:30)
65 - Format a Number (2:32)
66 - Format a Date and a Time (4:03)
67 - Slice from a text (3:13)
68 - Create a Costum Pipe (6:11)
69 - KeyValue, Json and Percent pipes (4:20)
70 - Questions and Answers
Rxjs - Reactive Extension for Javascript
71 - Understand Observable (5:36)
72 - Create a Observable (4:51)
73 - Manage an asynchronous mode in Observable (7:36)
74 - Create a Observable with Of, From (4:00)
75 - Understand the role of operators using (Map) (4:06)
76 - Using Map and Filter Operators (4:35)
77 - Using Map in the case of (Of Observable) (3:15)
78 - Create an Observable with Interval (2:51)
79 - Using error at subscribe - CatchError (3:10)
80 - Manage efficiently the error with throwError (5:09)
81 - Using Rxjs with a html DOM (11:36)
82 - Understand switchMap, mergeMap and exhaustMap (6:44)
83 Code Source
84 Questions and Answers
Application 3 - Http Client and Service
85 - Overview a Project (3:06)
86 - Generate the components and a Service (2:31)
87 - Github Api and add HttpClient Provider into App Config file (6:16)
88 - Connect a Service to a Component (5:40)
89 - Constructor and ngOnInit (7:13)
90 - Using Inject Instead of a Constructor (3:06)
91 - Fetch the data into a Html Component (9:27)
92 - Search a users using a Github API (11:08)
93 - @defer directive (Lazy loading) (2:22)
94 - @placeholder directive and on interaction (4:33)
95 - @loading directive with timer (5:28)
96 - trigger idle and viewport (3:40)
97 - when boolean & @error directive (2:31)
98 - Code Source
99 - Questions and Answers
Application 4 - Signals & Behaviour Subject & Routing
100 - Create a Signal, Update & Set (8:36)
101 - Computed, derivative Signal (3:44)
102- Effect Function for a Signals (3:03)
103 - Share Data with Signals (5:15)
104 - Share Data with Behavior Subject (6:34)
105 - @let Directive in Angular 18.* (7:40)
106 - Create a Routing for a pages (6:26)
107 - Understand and using RouterLink directive (2:19)
108 - RouterLinkActive to apply a dynamic class (3:33)
109 - RouterLinkActiveOptions (2:39)
110 - Redirect to string or a Function (3:59)
111 - Page Not Found technique (4:39)
112 - Lazy Loading Component (5:10)
113 - Code Source
114 - Questions and Answers
Application 5 - Forms, Advance Route, ViewChild
115 - Overview a Project (2:45)
116 - Install Json server for generate a Rest API (4:22)
117 - Genarate Pages, Components, Services and Models (3:00)
118 - Types and Models (Article, Category, Reaction) (2:06)
119 - All Methods for Blog Service (5:15)
120 - Add all routes of Blog (2:44)
121 - Load Children of a Routes with Lazy loading (3:37)
122 - Structure Blog Layout (4:14)
123 - Router Event and ActivatedRoute (9:23)
124 - Article Form Html Code for Create and Edit page (6:32)
125 - Optimizing Airworthiness in the Blog Layout (4:00)
126 - Load a share List of Categories (8:23)
127 - @ViewChild Directive (4:00)
128 - Persist a article and Redirect to List (4:54)
129 - Display a List of Articles (6:12)
130 - RouterLink with array for a dynamic links (4:10)
131 - Retreive Dynamic segments from Route (3:21)
132 - Feed Inputs using @ViewChild at Edit mode (3:00)
133 - Display Article at Show Page (3:05)
134 - Update an Article and Location Back (5:07)
135 - Like dislike and views at a template (3:48)
136 - Like and Dislike Actions (5:38)
137 - Increment Views at show Article (4:04)
138 - Understand and apply Driven-form (6:12)
139 - Persist content of a form (2:40)
140 - Know all roles for a form (4:32)
141 - Display a specific error message (7:30)
142 - Validate a Form at TS component (7:16)
143 - Understand Minlength, ActualLength, RequiredLength (3:18)
144 - Retreive informations from inputs Using ngModel (3:13)
145 - Binding ReactiveForm Object with a Html Form (4:41)
146 - Fill out a form with putValue (3:23)
147 - Apply a role to a Reactive Form (3:01)
148 - Display a errors with a Reactive Form (6:00)
149 - optimize the code (5:23)
150 - Code Source
151 - Questions and Answers
Application 6 - Login, Interceptors, Guards, Resolvers (Security)
152 - Login Component and a Service (6:58)
153 - Validate a Login Form (4:49)
154 - Login and Stock the Token in a Browser (7:48)
155 - Manage error message at Login (3:51)
156 - create methods to handle authentication (3:58)
157 - Display User Auth and Logout (3:27)
158 - protect urls with guards (7:22)
159 - use the interceptor to modify the header of the HTTP request (4:30)
160 - Concrete case of the use of the interceptor (4:50)
162 - Code Source
163 - Questions and Answers
End of course
Conclusion (1:50)
155 - Manage error message at Login
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