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Laravel Darija en 2019 pour les Débutants et les Professionnels "Advanced"
Autorisation (Gates & Policies)
From LARAVEL 7 TO LARAVEL 8 (10:25)
Voir la partie Fondamentale
Gagner de l'argent (6:10)
Groupe Telegram
72 - Authorization introduction (8:10)
73 - Gates introduction (8:26)
74 - Using authorize() helper (5:00)
75 - Verifying permissions of the user (5:13)
76 - Admin users and overriding permissions (13:07)
77 - Policies introduction (14:38)
78 - Policy or Gate ? (7:17)
79 - Verifying permissions in Blade templates (8:16)
80 - Using midlleware to authorize routes (11:37)
Étendue les requêtes (Locales & Globales)
81 - Setting user_id (8:19)
82 - Global Query Scopes (7:37)
83 - Global Query Scopes and potential issues (5:27)
84 - Local Query Scopes (5:16)
85 - Local Query Scope - most commented posts (9:46)
86 - Local Query Scope - most active users (6:40)
87 - Local Query Scope - most active users last month (12:35)
88 - Global Query Scope - admin can see deleted posts (10:33)
Laravel Blade Components
89 - Blade Components (11:25)
90 - Make Component (9:51)
91 - Creating reusable component for dates (13:44)
92 - Complicated example of conditional rendering (13:52)
Gestion du Cache (Caching)
93 - Caching introduction (6:50)
94 - Laravel DebugBar (11:51)
95 - Storing data in cache (12:08)
96 - Removing from cache (8:24)
97 - Cache facade (4:07)
Elequent relation Many To Many
98 - Many To Many introduction (2:24)
99 - Many To Many migration (5:05)
100 - Defining Many To Many on models (8:09)
101 - Associating models in Many To Many (16:14)
102 - Querying the Many To Many relation and pivot tables (11:22)
103 - Displaying the list of tags using Blade component (6:32)
104 - List og blog posts by tags (11:20)
105 - Blade View Composers (12:12)
106 - View Composer with @include (4:36)
107 - Many To Many seeding (13:09)
Réutiliser les composants (Query scopes, Route Model Binding) and Themes
108 - User to Comment One To Many relation and migration (9:43)
109 - Comments form and reusable errors component (13:34)
110 - Route Model Binding (23:26)
111 - Eager loading nested relationships (8:34)
112 - Converting repeating queries to query scopes (4:22)
113 - Change Theme with Bootstwatch (6:15)
Uploading & File storage
114 - File Storage introduction (5:56)
115 - File upload form (3:38)
116 - Handling file uploads (10:32)
117 - Using Storage facade to store files (13:33)
118 - Getting the URL of stored file (10:30)
119 - Image model One To One relation and migrations (11:39)
120 - Uploaded image URL (9:11)
121 - Deleting files (7:05)
122 - Validating uploaded files (size, type, dimension) (7:06)
123 - Flash Messages Globally (5:17)
124 - Code Source
Elequent relation One To One Polymorphic
125 - Introduction (3:05)
126 - Scaffolding UserController and UserPolicy, using authorizeResource (14:22)
127 - Views for showing/editing user profile (15:38)
128 - One To One Polymorphic explained (6:11)
129 - One To One Polymorphic migration (1:59)
130 - One To One Polymorphic defining relation (3:44)
131 - One To One Polymorphic associating (6:13)
132 - One To One Polymorphic with Post and Image (10:46)
Elequent relation One To Many Polymorphic
133 - One To Many Polymorphic explained (2:50)
134 - One To Many Polymorphic migration & relation (7:05)
135 - One To Many Polymorphic associating (7:01)
136 - One To Many Polymorphic Views (14:22)
Elequent relation Many To Many Polymorphic
137 - Many To Many Polymorphic explained (2:42)
138 - Many To Many Polymorphic migration (10:36)
139 - Many To Many Polymorphic relations (5:59)
140 - Code Source
Envoyer des Emails
141 - Setup sending emails (7:26)
142 - Mailable class explained (7:01)
143 - Rendering e-mail content and e-mail sending (8:55)
144 - Attaching files & data to e-mails (6:57)
145 - Creating the Markdown Mailable class (14:55)
146 - Custom Markdown e-mail component and styling (7:15)
147 - Rendering e-mail previews in browser (2:50)
Gestion de Queues en arrière plan
148 - Queues and background processing (7:42)
149 - Configuring queues, creating and running the first job (10:03)
150 - Optional e-mail queuing and execution delay (7:12)
151 - Dealing with failed jobs (10:14)
152 - Creating and dispating custom jobs (6:05)
Observers, Events, Listeners, & Subscribers
153 - Model Observers (8:48)
154 - Events & Listeners (2:56)
155 - Custom Event and Listener (12:10)
Localisation (Traduction)
156 - Configuring locale and translation overview (6:04)
157 - Translating plural forms, passing data (12:33)
158 - Storing translations in JSON (5:50)
159 - Translating the application (4:42)
160 - Storing user preffered language in database (12:51)
161 - Creating custom Locale Middleware (11:48)
163 - Code Source
Model serialization and Postman
164 - Postman (4:03)
165 - Hiding model attributes (4:32)
166 - Serializing model relations (3:06)
Api Resources
167 - API Resources introduction (7:17)
168 - Serializing model relations using a Resource class (4:44)
169 - Limiting serialization only to eager loaded relations (3:23)
170 - Conditional serialization of properties (5:12)
Api en Laravel
171 - Practice defining API Routes (15:47)
172 - Returning a resource collection and response wrapping (3:57)
173 - Collection pagination (3:12)
174 - Collection pagination and custom parameters (4:15)
175 - API Tokens with SANCTUM explained and implemented (15:21)
176 Storing a new resource (5:11)
177 - Returning one, updating and deleting resources (8:01)
174 - Collection pagination and custom parameters
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